Her Emotional Needs Must be Met
All women have emotional needs that must be fulfilled in order for her to be happy in the relationship. If you don’t give the woman what she needs, she will simply find it elsewhere.
How many guys get together with a women because of some poor boyfriend or a husbands neglect? So dont be tempted to get lazy, and always remember that all needs crave fulfillment. Your woman needs to have her every need met!
Women are driven to cheat because they are not getting something they need from the man they’re seeing, whether its emotional, financial or sexual fulfillment. Unmet emotional needs in a woman can easily cause them to look elsewhere and to others to have their emotional needs met. Sometimes jealousy can come from unfulfilled emotional needs of one of the partners and it’s at this point that you can make a difference in your relationship by looking to yourself to make a change.
All women have emotional needs. Figure out what they are, and then meet them!